Vibration Mastery

Mastery Is Not a Constant State of Bliss and Love

VIBRATION MASTERY 101: Mastery is not a constant state of bliss and love     It is a process of training ourselves to choose our state of being. It is paying attention, noticing when we are not feeling the way we want to feel, and then course-correcting, shifting our vibration back into alignment with Source/Good/God/Creator.…

Decide to Feel Good

VIBRATION MASTERY 101: Decide to feel good Our emotions are energy, and different emotions have a relative vibration.  The vibration of Source/God is of pure positive energy, i.e. GOOD: Wellbeing, Love, appreciation, joy, oneness, abundance, vibrancy, etcetera. “Why would we ever not want to feel good?” you may ask.  Well, we humans are interesting creatures,…

You Are Awakening

MESSAGE RECEIVED – You are awakening….yes YOU! I have been practicing moving my vibration a lot lately, mostly to manage my energetic reaction to things that have been happening in my life, and I am becoming adept at shifting my vibration rather quickly. I was Facebook messaging someone today and “felt into” her energy vibration.…

Two Indicators of Alignment with Spirit

TWO INDICATORS THAT YOU ARE IN VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR INNER BEING/SPIRIT/HIGHER SELF When your dominant intent is to align your vibration with Spirit, you will begin to experience manifestations of that intent. It is Law. Initially the manifestations will come as a feeling- you will feel good, even before the physical manifestations start showing…

Pay attention to how you feel

VIBRATION MASTERY 101: Pay attention to how you feel When you notice that you are feeling good, acknowledge the feeling and appreciate yourself and the Universe for the manifestation of the feeling (yes, feelings and thoughts are manifestations). You can create momentum by “milking it”, giving more of your attention to  the good feeling you…