Vibration Mastery

Evolving = change = growing pains = opportunity … Are you willing?

  VIBRATION MASTERY 101:  Evolving = change = growing pains = opportunity … Are you willing?      Change can be uncomfortable – as we go through changing times on our planet, there is an opportunity for us to evolve and grow beyond our own current understanding, if we are willing. I recently experienced growing pains…

Shift Your Thinking

VIBRATION MASTERY 101: How to shift 3 Common “Stinkin’ Thinkin” habits that lower your vibration: Vibration Mastery includes awareness- of what you are feeling and thinking. Here are three thought habits that lower our vibration and are common in our society: 1. Complaining  and focusing on what doesn’t work 2. Right/wrong  perspective. 3. Rehearsing- thinking…

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Vibration Mastery 101: The Freedom of Forgiveness The Freedom of Forgiveness comes with  ALLOWING…allowing what is to be what is. Forgiveness happens in stages, and the stage of forgiveness that sets you free is the level of forgiveness where you don’t need, or want, what happened to be any different than it is. In the forgiveness process, the energy vibration…


VIBRATION MASTERY 101: Appreciation Appreciation is like adding gasoline to your fire of positivity. When you are feeling good or good things are happening, you can maximize it with appreciation. Make a habit of appreciating the good that you are feeling. Heartfelt appreciation is a muscle we’ve not spent much time building, or felt encouraged…

Loving Kindness

Vibration Mastery 101: The Dalai Lama’s Loving Kindness Meditation This exercise is straightforward. You can do it with your eyes open as you move about your day, or as an eyes-closed meditation. After a few weeks of doing the exercise, my relationships began to change and I started to experience a general sense of wellbeing. People…